
A little prep never hurt anybody! Besides I can figure out the best place for a bottle of medicinal bourbon. I had more room than I thought, or am I not packing enough? Plenty of time to go over the necessites! 64 more days!

3 thoughts on “Pre-Pack!

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  1. MSR Fuel Bottle with CRP Cap – 30 fl. oz. to carry spare fuel. they are like 20 dollars a bottle but can be stored safe on your bike. I have found these to be a life saver.


  2. That’s a lot of stuff! I’m down to a little over a month for my big trip around Europe. I should be doing a practice pack now too. Nice post đŸ™‚


  3. My best guess on weight is about 75-80lbs of camping gear, clothes and tools. If I add an extra gallon of gas it will and a few more. So not as heavy as I thought. Less than rider with a passenger.


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